



Screw - Product Image

List Price: $1.70 / each

Online Price: $1.65 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 5023954


Used on the following models:


5.17 - (4E)
5.17i - (AMPF)
5.17i - (SB)
5.19 - (APLK)
5.19 - (QY, SJ)
5.21 - (2R)
5.21i - (A998)
5.21i - (F8)
5.21i - (SS)
5.23 - (AEXJ)
5.23 - (SK)
5.23 120V L1-20 - Stone Gray - (AA55)
5.31 240V - (AJNX)
5.33 - (AAAB)
5.33 - (ADFJ)
5.33 - (ST)
9.1x - 9.17 - (5B)
9.1x - 9.17 - (5C)
9.1x - 9.17Si - (5D)
9.1x - 9.17Si - (5E)
9.1x - 9.17Si B-Unit - (KG)
9.5x - 9.57 HHHR - (AGKF)
C524 - (K7)
C524 - (SW, SX)
C524i - (A928)
C534 - (W1, W2)
C534i - (AA93)
C546 Version 1 - (4H, 5V, 5W)
C546 Version 2 - (75, 9A, 9B, 9K, AP)
C556 - Navy - (NG, SY)
C954i - (AACX)
C954i - (AB37)
C954i - (ADEY)
C954i - (AEWY)
C954i - (AEXE)
C954i - (AEXY)
C954i - (AJKE)
C954i - (AJPC)
C954i - (ATTD)
C954i - (AXHD)
C956i - (A883)
C956i - (A954)
C956i - (AACN)
C956i - (AEXG)
C956i - (AGJY)
C956i - (AGKY)
C956i - (AJMB)
C956i - (AJNC)
C956i - (AJPB)
C956i - (AMTB)
C956i - (AMXB)
C956i - (AYZD)
C966i - (A884)
C966i - (AA67)
C966i - (AA67, AABX)
C966i - (AA87)
C966i - (AABX)
C966i - (AADX)
C966i - (AADY)
C966i - (AB38)
C966i - (AJMC)
C966i - (AMTC)
Crosstrainer - EFX 5.23 BOM SK
EFX - 5.23 - Stone Gray - (AA23)
EFX 5.33 Retail 120V - EFX 5.33 - Stone Gray - (AXFL)
EFX 5.33 Retail 120V ENG - EFX 5.33 - (CR)
EFX 5.33 Retail 120V T3 - EFX 5.33 - (00ST)
EFX 5.33 RETAIL 120V T3 B-UNIT - EFX 5.33 - (A999)
EFX 542i Self Powered - (AABT)
EFX 542i Self Powered - Stone Gray - (A956)
EFX 542i Self Powered - Stone Gray - (AA65)
EFX 542i Self Powered B-UNIT - C542i - Stone Gray - (AJMA)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (4H)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (4N)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (5V)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (9A)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (9B)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (CB)
EFX 546 120V B - C546 - (H0)
EFX 546 120V CM HR - C546 - (BM)
EFX 546 120V HR - C546 - (4S)
EFX 546 120V HR - C546 - (5W)
EFX 546 120V HR - C546 - (75)
EFX 546 120V HR - C546 - (9K)
EFX 546 120V J - C546 - (4K)
EFX 546 120V J HR - C546 - (AY)
EFX 546 120V Japanese HR - (4U)
EFX 546 120V Reduced EM - C546 - (AP)
EFX 546 120V Reduced EM - C546 - (H9)
EFX 546 120V Spanish HR - C546 - (CC)
EFX 546 240V - C546 - (4J)
EFX 546 240V - C546 - (69)
EFX 546 240V - C546 - (BR)
EFX 546 240V Chinese - C546 - (4Q)
EFX 546 240V Chinese - C546 - (4R)
EFX 546 240V Chinese - C546 - (BL)
EFX 546 240V Chinese - C546 - (BN)
EFX 546 240V Chinese HR - C546 - (BP)
EFX 546 240V French - C546 - (BW)
EFX 546 240V German - C546 - (4M)
EFX 546 240V German - C546 - (AS)
EFX 546 240V German HR - C546 - (4W)
EFX 546 240V German HR - C546 - (AT)
EFX 546 240V HR - C546 - (4T)
EFX 546 240V HR - C546 - (5Z)
EFX 546 240V HR - C546 - (8N)
EFX 546 240V HR - C546 - (BT)
EFX 546 240V Japanese - C546 - (4L)
EFX 546 240V Japanese - C546 - (CA)
EFX 546 240V Japanese HR - C546 - (4V)
EFX 546 240V Japanese HR - C546 - (AX)
EFX 546 240V S HR Spanish - C546 - (4Y)
EFX 546 240V S HR Spanish - C546 - (CE)
EFX 546 240V Spanish - C546 - (4P)
EFX 546 240V Spanish - C546 - (CD)

EFX 546 24OV French HR - C546 - (BY)
EFX 546 Self Powered - C546 Navy - (00NF)
EFX 546 Self Powered - C546 Navy - (00SZ)
EFX 546i Self Powered - C546i Navy - (AEJD)
EFX 546i Self Powered - C546i Navy - (AYXG)
EFX 546i Self Powered B-UNIT - C546i Navy - (AJMW)
EFX 554i Self Powered HHHR - C554i - (ADEX)
EFX 554i Self Powered HHHR - C554i - (AEWX)
EFX 554i Self Powered HHHR B-UNIT - C554i - (AGJX)
EFX 556 120V - C556 - (8Y)
EFX 556 120V - C556 - (AN)
EFX 556 120V B-UNIT - C556 - (84)
EFX 556 120V Chinese - C556 - (BB)
EFX 556 120V HHHR - C556 - (70)
EFX 556 120V HHHR B-UNIT - C556 - (KL)
EFX 556 120V Japenese - C556 - (AG)
EFX 556 120V Spanish - C556 - (AL)
EFX 556 240V - C556 - (8Z)
EFX 556 240V - C556 - (AD)
EFX 556 240V B-UNIT - C556 - (KM)
EFX 556 240V German - C556 - (BA)
EFX 556 240V German HHHR - C556 - (63)
EFX 556 240V HHHR - C556 - (AC)
EFX 556 240V HHHR B-UNIT - C556 - (KP)
EFX 556 240V Japanese - C556 - (AH)
EFX 556 240V Japanese HHHR - C556 - (AF)
EFX 556 240V Spanish - C556 - (AM)
EFX 556 240V Spanish HHHR - C556 - (AK)
EFX 556 German 120V HHHR - C556 - (AB)
EFX 556 Japenese 120V HHHR - C556 - (AE)
EFX 556 Self Powered - C556 Navy - (00NG)
EFX 556 Self Powered - C556 Navy - (00SY)
EFX 556I Self Powered - C556i NAVY - (AA26)
EFX 556i Self Powered - C556i NAVY - (AJKM)
EFX 556i Self Powered - C556i NAVY - (AJKM)
EFX 556i Self Powered B-UNIT - C556i Navy - (AMTW)
EFX 556i Self Powered HHHR - C556i NAVY - (AA66)
EFX C524 LT Commercial Assembled - C524 - (LH)
EFX C524 LT Commercial C3/T3 HEA - C524 - (00KZ)
EFX C524 LT Commercial ENG - C54 - (I7)
EFX C524 LT Commercial T3 - C524 - (00SW)
EFX C524 LT Commercial T3 - C524 - (HEADLE (AEWB)
EFX C524 LT Commercial T3 ASSEMB - C524 - (00SX)
EFX C524i LT Commercial - C524i - Stone Gray - (AXFG)
EFX C524i LT Commercial L1-20 ST - C524i - (AMTA)
EFX C524i LT Commercial L1-20 ST - C524i - (ATRC)
EFX C524i LT Commercial L1-20 ST - C524i - (AYYC)
EFX C524i, LT Commercial L1-20 ST - C524i - (AXGC)
EFX C524i-T3 LT Commercial - C524i - (ADEC)
EFX C524i-T3 LT Commercial - C524i - Stone - (AAAE)
EFX C524i-T3 LT Commercial - C524i - Stone - (AEWC)
EFX C534 LT Commercial Assembled - C534 - (LG)
EFX C534 LT Commercial C3/T3 HEA - C534 - (00JD)
EFX C534 LT Commercial ENG - C534 - (I6)
EFX C534 LT Commercial T3 - (ADEB)
EFX C534-T3 LT Commercial - C534 - (00W1)
EFX C534-T3 LT Commercial Assembl - C534 - (00W2)
EFX C534-T3 LT Commercial B-Unit - C534 - (AYXL)
EFX C534I-T3 LT Clmmercial - C534i - Stone - (A995)
EFX C534i-T3 LT Commercial - C534i - Stone - (AJKK)
EFX C534i-T3 LT Commercial - C534i - Stone - (AMPK)
EFX C534II-T3 LT Commercial - C534i - Stone - (AGJC)
EFX5.17 Retail 120V B-Unit - (IJ)
EFX5.17i - Stone Gray - (AA84)
EFX5.17I - Stone Gray - (AJKW)
EFX5.17I Retail 120V Eng - (00SB)
EFX5.17I Retail 120V Eng Assemb - (00SH)
EFX5.17I Retail 120V Eng B-Unit - (00YG)
EFX5.19 Retail 120V Eng - (00QY)
EFX5.19 Retail 120V Eng Assembl - (00SJ)
EFX5.19 Retail 120V Eng B-Unit - (00Y3)
EFX5.21I - Stone Gray - (AA35)
EFX5.21I - Stone Gray - (ADFF)
EFX5.21i Retail 120V TD - (00SS)
EFX5.23 - Stone Gray - (AAAM)
EFX5.23 - Stone Gray - (AMPW)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V Eng - (DF)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V Eng - (Q6)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V Eng Assembl - (Q1)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V L1-20 - Stone Gray - (AJLN)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V T3 - (00SK)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V T3 Assemble - (00YM)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V T3 B-Unit - (00YH)
EFX5.23,Retail 120V L1-20 - Stone Gray - (AABH)
EFX5.33 Retail 120V - EFX 5.33 - Stone Gray - (AEXF)
EFX546 120V J - C546 - (AZ)
EFX546 240V Chinese HR - C546 - (5A)
EFX556 120V HHHR - C556 - (6Q)
EFX556i Self Powered HHHR - C556i NAVY - (AMRZ)
EFX556i Self Powered HHHR B-UNIT - C556i Navy - (AABW)
RBK 815 Display C - (AAEK + AB53)
RBK 885 Base + Console - (AXHG + ADGB)
RBK10 HCOM - RBK 815 - (AB83)
RBK10 HCOM 815 - (AAEK)
RBK885 + P80 (ATWM) - (AXHG)
TRM 833 ( AJNZ + A844 + AAYE) W/O Cap + PVS - (240)
TRM 833 ( AJNZ + A844) W/O Cap - (240)
TRM 833 ( AJNZ + AB78) 915 MHZ - (240)
TRM 833 ( AJNZ + ATTT) Blank Cap - (240)
TRM 833 ( AMWZ + A844 + AAYE) W/O Cap + PVS - (120V)
TRM 833 ( AMWZ + A844) W/O Cap - (120V)
TRM 833 ( AMWZ + AB78) 915 MHZ - (120V)
TRM 833 ( AMWZ + ATTT) Blank Cap - (120V)
TRM 885 ( AJNZ + ADGW) - (240V)
TRM 885 ( AMWZ + ADGW) - (120V)
TRM10 HCOM 120V - (AMWZ)
TRM10 HCOM 120V ASMB - (A837)
TRM10 HCOM 240V - (AJNZ)
TRM10 HCOM 240V Argentina - (AAHJ)
TRM10 HCOM Israel - (AGKX)
TRM10, Base, (8X3), 120V ( AMWZ, A837) - (8X5)
TRM885 + P80 (S/C AAGN) - (S/C AMWZ)
UBK 815 - (A868, AYZG )
UBK 815 Base + P80 Console - (AYZG + ADGB)
UBK10 BASE (8X5) - (AYZG)
UBK10, HCOM ,ASMB (A836) - (815)
UBK10, HCOM 815 - (A868)

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.17 off List Price of $1.70.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


Thank you for being so easy to deal with! The part you sent worked perfectly. Thanks again for saving the day for us.

Bert C

First and foremost your web site is the best I have ever worked with.
Whoever did the programming should be commended. From locating the part
required to checking out - it was a pleasure. It appeared to anticipate my
every need and wasn't the chore I expected when in need of a repair part.
What a joy. The check-out procedure was fault free and easy to walk through
the procedure.

The basic support for the product and the many parts that you must have
daily is unbelievable. A replacement part being shipped the next day.
Received in just two days from ordering it. The documents you have
generated are simple and straight forward. In this day and age it is
extremely rare to find an excellent company such as yours. Your staff must
be so proud to work in such an organization. My hat is off to all of you. I
have run product support organizations for airlines my entire life. I only
wish I could have had the opportunity to have worked with such an
outstanding organization like Fitness Repair Parts. Thank you very much.
My replacement card is now installed and I am back in business in just two
days thanks to you.

Tom S.
Coppell, TX

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