


Endcap, Round, External

Endcap, Round, External - Product Image

List Price: $15.00 / each

Online Price: $14.55 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 5020501

Rear rubber frame endcap, ellipitcal to allow leveling unit. Used on Precor elliptical trainers.

Used on the following models:


5.17 - (4E)
5.17i - (AMPF)
5.17i - (SB)
5.19 - (APLK)
5.19 - (QY, SJ)
5.21 - (2R)
5.21i - (A998)
5.21i - (F8)
5.21i - (SS)
5.23 - (AEXJ)
5.23 - (SK)
5.23 120V L1-20 - Stone Gray - (AA55)
5.31 240V - (AJNX)
5.33 - (AAAB)
5.33 - (ADFJ)
C240 Stretch Trainer - (A887)
C240 Stretch Trainer V1 - (3Z)
C240 Stretch Trainer V2 - (59)
C524 - (K7)
C524 - (SW, SX)
C524i - (A928)
C532 - (64, CF)
C534 - (W1, W2)
C534i - (AA93)
C546 Version 1 - (4H, 5V, 5W)
C546 Version 2 - (75, 9A, 9B, 9K, AP)
C546 Version 3 - (DC, EX, GT)
C556 - Navy - (NG, SY)
C556 SP - (I2, I3, JE)
C556 Version 1 - (6Q, 70, 8Y, AN)
C556 Version 2 - (DA, EW)
Crosstrainer - EFX 5.23 BOM SK
EFX - 5.23 - Stone Gray - (AA23)
EFX 5.21si 120V - 5.21si - (5F)
EFX 5.33 Retail 120V - EFX 5.33 - Stone Gray - (AXFL)
EFX 5.33 Retail 120V ENG - EFX 5.33 - (CR)
EFX 5.33 Retail 120V T3 - EFX 5.33 - (00ST)
EFX 5.33 RETAIL 120V T3 B-UNIT - EFX 5.33 - (A999)
EFX 532 120V Assembled - EFX 532 - (CF)
EFX 532 120V Chinese - EFX 532 - (CT)
EFX 532 120V German - EFX 532 - (CV)
EFX 532 120V Japanese - EFX 532 - (CS)
EFX 532 120V Spanish - (CY)
EFX 532 240V - EFX 532 - (AU)
EFX 532 240V Chinese - EFX 532 - (CU)
EFX 532 240V German - EFX 532 - (CW)
EFX 532 Commercial 120V - (64)
EFX 542i Self Powered - (AABT)
EFX 542i Self Powered - Stone Gray - (A956)
EFX 542i Self Powered - Stone Gray - (AA65)
EFX 542i Self Powered B-UNIT - C542i - Stone Gray - (AJMA)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (4H)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (4N)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (5V)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (9A)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (9B)
EFX 546 120V - C546 - (CB)
EFX 546 120V B - C546 - (H0)
EFX 546 120V CM HR - C546 - (BM)
EFX 546 120V HR - C546 - (4S)
EFX 546 120V HR - C546 - (5W)
EFX 546 120V HR - C546 - (75)
EFX 546 120V HR - C546 - (9K)
EFX 546 120V J - C546 - (4K)
EFX 546 120V J HR - C546 - (AY)
EFX 546 120V Japanese HR - (4U)
EFX 546 120V Reduced EM - C546 - (AP)
EFX 546 120V Reduced EM - C546 - (H9)
EFX 546 120V Spanish HR - C546 - (CC)
EFX 546 240V - C546 - (4J)
EFX 546 240V - C546 - (69)
EFX 546 240V - C546 - (BR)
EFX 546 240V Chinese - C546 - (4Q)
EFX 546 240V Chinese - C546 - (4R)
EFX 546 240V Chinese - C546 - (BL)
EFX 546 240V Chinese - C546 - (BN)
EFX 546 240V Chinese HR - C546 - (BP)
EFX 546 240V French - C546 - (BW)
EFX 546 240V German - C546 - (4M)
EFX 546 240V German - C546 - (AS)
EFX 546 240V German HR - C546 - (4W)
EFX 546 240V German HR - C546 - (AT)
EFX 546 240V HR - C546 - (4T)
EFX 546 240V HR - C546 - (5Z)
EFX 546 240V HR - C546 - (8N)
EFX 546 240V HR - C546 - (BT)
EFX 546 240V Japanese - C546 - (4L)
EFX 546 240V Japanese - C546 - (CA)
EFX 546 240V Japanese HR - C546 - (4V)
EFX 546 240V Japanese HR - C546 - (AX)
EFX 546 240V S HR Spanish - C546 - (4Y)
EFX 546 240V S HR Spanish - C546 - (CE)
EFX 546 240V Spanish - C546 - (4P)
EFX 546 240V Spanish - C546 - (CD)

EFX 546 24OV French HR - C546 - (BY)
EFX 546 Self Powered - C546 Navy - (00NF)
EFX 546 Self Powered - C546 Navy - (00SZ)
EFX 546 Self Powered HR - C546 - (IK)
EFX 546 Self Powered HR - C546 - (IL)
EFX 546 Self Powered HR - C546 - (IU)
EFX 546 Self Powered HR - C546 - (P2)
EFX 546i Self Powered - C546i Navy - (AEJD)
EFX 546i Self Powered - C546i Navy - (AYXG)
EFX 546i Self Powered B-UNIT - C546i Navy - (AJMW)
EFX 554i Self Powered HHHR - C554i - (ADEX)
EFX 554i Self Powered HHHR - C554i - (AEWX)
EFX 554i Self Powered HHHR B-UNIT - C554i - (AGJX)
EFX 556 120V - C556 - (8Y)
EFX 556 120V - C556 - (AN)
EFX 556 120V B-UNIT - C556 - (84)
EFX 556 120V Chinese - C556 - (BB)
EFX 556 120V HHHR - C556 - (70)
EFX 556 120V HHHR B-UNIT - C556 - (KL)
EFX 556 120V Japenese - C556 - (AG)
EFX 556 120V Spanish - C556 - (AL)
EFX 556 240V - C556 - (8Z)
EFX 556 240V - C556 - (AD)
EFX 556 240V B-UNIT - C556 - (KM)
EFX 556 240V German - C556 - (BA)
EFX 556 240V German HHHR - C556 - (63)
EFX 556 240V HHHR - C556 - (AC)
EFX 556 240V HHHR B-UNIT - C556 - (KP)
EFX 556 240V Japanese - C556 - (AH)
EFX 556 240V Japanese HHHR - C556 - (AF)
EFX 556 240V Spanish - C556 - (AM)
EFX 556 240V Spanish HHHR - C556 - (AK)
EFX 556 German 120V HHHR - C556 - (AB)
EFX 556 Japenese 120V HHHR - C556 - (AE)
EFX 556 Self Powered - C556 Navy - (00NG)
EFX 556 Self Powered - C556 Navy - (00SY)
EFX 556 Self Powered HR - C556 - (I2)
EFX 556 Self Powered HR - C556 - (I3)
EFX 556 Self Powered HR - C556 - (JE)
EFX 556 Self Powered HR B - C556 - (P1)
EFX 556I Self Powered - C556i NAVY - (AA26)
EFX 556i Self Powered - C556i NAVY - (AJKM)
EFX 556i Self Powered - C556i NAVY - (AJKM)
EFX 556i Self Powered B-UNIT - C556i Navy - (AMTW)
EFX 556i Self Powered HHHR - C556i NAVY - (AA66)
EFX C524 LT Commercial Assembled - C524 - (LH)
EFX C524 LT Commercial C3/T3 HEA - C524 - (00KZ)
EFX C524 LT Commercial ENG - C54 - (I7)
EFX C524 LT Commercial T3 - C524 - (00SW)
EFX C524 LT Commercial T3 - C524 - (HEADLE (AEWB)
EFX C524 LT Commercial T3 ASSEMB - C524 - (00SX)
EFX C524i LT Commercial - C524i - Stone Gray - (AXFG)
EFX C524i LT Commercial L1-20 ST - C524i - (AMTA)
EFX C524i LT Commercial L1-20 ST - C524i - (ATRC)
EFX C524i LT Commercial L1-20 ST - C524i - (AYYC)
EFX C524i, LT Commercial L1-20 ST - C524i - (AXGC)
EFX C524i-T3 LT Commercial - C524i - (ADEC)
EFX C524i-T3 LT Commercial - C524i - Stone - (AAAE)
EFX C524i-T3 LT Commercial - C524i - Stone - (AEWC)
EFX C534 LT Commercial Assembled - C534 - (LG)
EFX C534 LT Commercial C3/T3 HEA - C534 - (00JD)
EFX C534 LT Commercial ENG - C534 - (I6)
EFX C534 LT Commercial T3 - (ADEB)
EFX C534-T3 LT Commercial - C534 - (00W1)
EFX C534-T3 LT Commercial Assembl - C534 - (00W2)
EFX C534-T3 LT Commercial B-Unit - C534 - (AYXL)
EFX C534I-T3 LT Clmmercial - C534i - Stone - (A995)
EFX C534i-T3 LT Commercial - C534i - Stone - (AJKK)
EFX C534i-T3 LT Commercial - C534i - Stone - (AMPK)
EFX C534II-T3 LT Commercial - C534i - Stone - (AGJC)
EFX5.17 Retail 120V B-Unit - (IJ)
EFX5.17i - Stone Gray - (AA84)
EFX5.17I - Stone Gray - (AJKW)
EFX5.17I Retail 120V Eng - (00SB)
EFX5.17I Retail 120V Eng Assemb - (00SH)
EFX5.17I Retail 120V Eng B-Unit - (00YG)
EFX5.19 Retail 120V Eng - (00QY)
EFX5.19 Retail 120V Eng Assembl - (00SJ)
EFX5.19 Retail 120V Eng B-Unit - (00Y3)
EFX5.21I - Stone Gray - (AA35)
EFX5.21I - Stone Gray - (ADFF)
EFX5.21i Retail 120V TD - (00SS)
EFX5.21Si Retail 120V B-Unit - (GQ)
EFX5.21Si Retail 240V - (5G)
EFX5.23 - Stone Gray - (AAAM)
EFX5.23 - Stone Gray - (AMPW)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V Eng - (DF)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V Eng - (Q6)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V Eng Assembl - (Q1)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V L1-20 - Stone Gray - (AJLN)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V T3 - (00SK)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V T3 Assemble - (00YM)
EFX5.23 Retail 120V T3 B-Unit - (00YH)
EFX5.23,Retail 120V L1-20 - Stone Gray - (AABH)
EFX5.33 Retail 120V - EFX 5.33 - Stone Gray - (AEXF)
EFX532 120V B-UNIT - EFX 532 - (KH)
EFX532 240V Spanish - EFX 532 - (CZ)
EFX546 120V J - C546 - (AZ)
EFX546 240V Chinese HR - C546 - (5A)
EFX556 120V HHHR - C556 - (6Q)
EFX556i Self Powered HHHR - C556i NAVY - (AMRZ)
EFX556i Self Powered HHHR B-UNIT - C556i Navy - (AABW)

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $1.50 off List Price of $15.00.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


You guys rock! Looking forward to using my elliptical again! Been without it for almost a week now
and I feel my body turning into jelly more and more each day, lol.Have a great day!

Jim H
Waco, TX


I wanted to give you some positive feedback on your service. I ordered the below items and received them as promised, and installed them and they were all perfect. Our treadmill is like new again. You have a great outfit and did a great job for me. I will definitely keep you on file and recommend your online store. Thanks very much!

Sincerely, Brian M.

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