


Due to the Christmas holiday, orders placed after 12 noon (CST) Monday, Dec 23, may not ship until Thursday, Dec 26th.


Screw - Product Image

List Price: $1.52 / each

Online Price: $1.47 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 6046331


Used on the following models:


705 CT - EPTL690110

705 CT - EPTL690111


t5.6 Treadmill - SFTL198080

Gold's Gym

Cross Trainer 600 - GGTL59606.0
Crosswalk 570 - GGTL596080
Maxx 685T - GGTL078190
Maxx 685T - GGTL078191
Maxx Competitor 1080 - GGTL906080
Maxx Crosswalk 650 - CWTL05607.0
Maxx Crosswalk 650 - CWTL05607.1
Maxx Crosswalk 650 - CWTL05607.2
Maxx Crosswalk 650 - CWTL05607.3
Maxx Crosswalk 650 - CWTL05607.4
Maxx Trainer 685 - GGTL586080
Preview 1000 - GGTL096070
Preview 1000 - GGTL096071
Preview 1500 - GGTL146070

Preview 1500 - GGTL146071
Trainer 480 - GGTL39608.0
Trainer 480 - GGTL39608.1
Trainer 480 - GGTL39608.2
Trainer 480 - GGTL39608.3
Trainer 480 - GGTL39608.4
Trainer 480 - GGTL39608.6
Trainer 480 - GGTL39608.7
Trainer 480 - GGTL396088
Trainer 550 - GGTL046070
Trainer 550 - GGTL046071
Trainer 550 - GGTL046072
Trainer 550 - GGTL046073
Trainer 890 - GGTL078090


15.5 S - HCTL396070
500i - HMTL31105.0
H120 - HMTL399061
H130T - HETL139140
H130t - HMTL796080
H85t - HETL798120
H900i - HMTL511050
H90t - HMTL075080
H90t - HRTL075080
HRTL785090 H75t
HRTL900100 H90T

Outlook - HRTL894060
Outlook - HRTL894061
Outlook - HRTL894062
Pro H250i - HITL494060
Pro H450i - HRTL61706 M0
Pro H450i - HRTL617060
Pro H450i - HRTL617061
PRO H500I - HRTL717060
PRO H500I - HRTL717061
Q400 - HMTL399060


10.4QD - IMTL14990
15.5S - IMTL396060
15.5s - IMTL396061
15.5s - IMTL396062
15.5s - IMTL396063
15.5S - IMTL396064
15.5S - IMTL396065

17.0R - IMTL491050
17.0R - IMTL491051
17.0R - IMTL491052
17.5S - IMTL496060
19.0r - IMTL591050
19.0R - IMTL591051
Q400 - IMTL399060


2100 - 831.287241

EXPANSE 8.0 - 831.297249


A2105 - 831.247660
A2105 - 831.247661
A2105 - 831.247662
A2105 - 831.247663
A2105 - 831.308272
A2105 - 831.308274
A2105 - NTL069070
A2105 - NTL069071
A2105 - NTL069072
A2105 - NTL069073
A2155 - 831.302340
A2250 - 831.246770
A2250 - 831.246771
A2250 - 831.246772
A2250 - NTL778060
A2250 - NTL778061
A2250 - NTL778062
A2350 - 831.299391 - Canada
A2350 Pro - 831.299390
A2350 Pro - NTL123100
A2350 Pro - NTL123101
C2150 - 831.296070
C2150 - 831.296071
C2150 - 831.296072
C2150 - 831.296073
C2150 - 831.296074
C2150 - NTL108050
C2150 - NTL108051
C2150 - NTL108052
C2150 - NTL108053
C2150 - NTL108054
C2155 - 831.247670
C2155 - NTL077070
C2200 - 831.293090
C2200 - 831.296270
C2200 - 831.296271
C2200 - 831.296273
C2200 - NTL109050
C2200 - NTL109051
C2200 - NTL109053
C2255 - 831.246670
C2255 - 831.246671
C2255 - 831.246672
C2255 - 831.246673
C2255 - 831.246674
C2255 - 831.246675
C2255 - 831.307020
C2255 - NTL078060
C2255 - NTL078061
C2255 - NTL078062
C2255 - NTL078063
C2255 - NTL078064
C2255 - NTL078065
C2300 - 831.294990
C2300 - 831.296090
C2300 - 831.296091
C2300 - 831.296092
C2300 - 831.296093
C2300 - 831.296094
C2300 - 831.296095
C2300 - 831.306010
C2300 - NTL129050
C2300 - NTL129051
C2300 - NTL129052
C2300 - NTL129053
C2300 - NTL129054
C2300 - NTL129055
C2400 - 831.246690
C2400 - 831.246691

C2400 - 831.307030
C2400 - 831.307031
C2400 - NTL098060
C2400 - NTL098061
C2500 - 831.247790
C2500 - 831.247791
C2500 - 831.308120
C2500 - NETL148070
C2500 - NETL148071
C2500 - NTL090070
C2500 - NTL090071
SRE - 831.298931
T12si - NETL149090
T12si - NETL149091
T12si - NETL149092
T14vt - NTL170090
T5 ZI - 831.304411
T5.3 - 831.249650
T5.3 - 831.249651
T5.3 - 831.249652
T5.3 - NTL600100
T5.3 - NTL600101
T5.3 - NTL600102
T5zi - 304410
T5zi - 304411
T5zi - 831.249550
T5zi - 831.249551
T5zi - 831.249552
T5zi - NTL610090
T5zi - NTL610091
T5zi - NTL610092
T7.0 - NETL818100
T7.0 - NETL818101
T7si - 831.248670
T7si - 831.248671
T7si - 831.248672
T7si - 831.248673
T7si - NTL079080
T7si - NTL079081
T7si - NTL079082
T7si - NTL079083
T7ze - 831.301880
T9.1 - NETL998100
T9.1 - NETL998101
T9ci - 831.248790
T9ci - 831.248791
T9ci - NTL099080
T9ci - NTL099081
Viewpoint 2800 - 831.296110
Viewpoint 2800 - 831.296113
Viewpoint 2800 - NTL149053
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.246110
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.246111
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.246112
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.307040
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.307044
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.307045
Viewpoint 3000 - NTL118060
Viewpoint 3000 - NTL118061
Viewpoint 3000 - NTL118062
Viewpoint 3200 - 831.296180
Viewpoint 3200 - 831.303230
Viewpoint 3200 - NTL013080
Viewpoint 3200 - NTL013081
Viewpoint 3500 - NTL130070
Viewpoint 3500 - NTL130071
Viewpoint 3600 - NTL014080
Viewpoint 3600 - NTL014081
Z7xi - NTL077090


10.0 ZT - PFTL595090
1000 LT - PFTL101100
1000 LT - PFTL101101
1095 ZLT - PETL717090
1095 ZLT - PETL717091
11.5 Competitor - PFTL120070
1195 ZLT - PETL849090
1195 ZLT - PETL849091
1290 ZLT - PETL148090
1300 ZLT - PETL128100
1300 ZLT - PETL128101
15.5 S - 831.286220
350 - PFTL311050
350 - PFTL311051
350 - PFTL311052
350 - PFTL319060
350 - PFTL319061
355 - 831.307530
370e Crosswalk - 831.296230
370e Crosswalk - 831.296231
4.0 - PATL409070
4.5 Trainer - PFTL580070
4.5 Trainer - PFTL580071
400 C - PATL305060
400 C - PETL305060
400 C - PETL305061
400 CT - PFTL496100
400 X - PFTL397060
400 X - PFTL397061
400 ZLT - PETL499100
400 ZLT - PETL499101
400CT - PFTL496101
415 CT - PFTL496110
415 CT - PFTL496111
415 S - PFTL399070
415 S - PFTL399071
440 X - PMTL493050
440 X - PMTL493051
450 - PFTL411050
450 CX - PATL307060
450 CX - PETL307060
4500 - PETL707071
4500 - PETL707072
475 Audio Series - PATL308060
475 Audio Series - PETL308060
480PI - 831.291606
490 C - PFTL496090
495Pi - PFTL331050
495Pi - PFTL331051
495Pi - PFTL331052
5.2 - PATL413070
5.5 Cross Trainer - PFTL570070
5.5 Cross Trainer - PFTL570071
500 LX - PFTL421050
500 RT - PFTL759100
500 V - PFTL499060
500i - 831.296040
500i - 831.296041
500i - 831.296042
505 CST - PFTL609100
505 CST - PFTL609101
510 RT - PFTL496210
510i - 831.246240
515 TR - PFTL497070
515 TX - PFTL590110
520 Trainer - PFTL498070
525 X - PFTL432050
525 X - PFTL432051
570 Crosswalk - PFTL590080
570 Crosswalk - PFTL590081
570 Crosswalk - PFTL590082
580 CS - PFTL579080
580 CS - PFTL579082
580 LT - PFTL499080
580 LT - PFTL499082
585 CS - PFTL599080
590 RT - PFTL759090
590T - PFTL600090
590T - PFTL600091
590T - PFTL600092
595 Pi - PFTL431050
595 Pi - PFTL431051
595 Pi - PFTL431052
595 Pi - PFTL431053
6.0 GSX - PFTL511050
6.0 GSX - PFTL511051
6.0 GSX - PFTL511052
6.0 GSX - PFTL511053
6.0 ZT - PFTL395090
6.0 ZT - PFTL395091
6.5 X - PETL318060
600 LT - PFTL700100
600 S - PFTL52105 M2
600 S - PFTL521050
600 S - PFTL521051
600 S - PFTL521052
605 CS - PFTL660100
610 TR - PFTL597070
610 TR - PFTL597072
645 - PFTL591060
650 Cross Trainer - PFTL598060
665 E - PFTL565070
665 E - PFTL565071
675 Cross Trainer - PFTL669060
675 E - PFTL595080
675 E - PFTL595081
675 E - PFTL595082
675 E - PFTL595083
680 LT - PFTL960080
680 LT - PFTL960081
680 LT - PFTL960082

680 Trainer - PFTL090080
680 Trainer - PFTL090081
690 LT - PFTL060090
695 LT - PCTL690100
695 LT - PFTL690090
695 Pi - PFTL631050
695 Pi - PFTL631051
695 Pi - PFTL631052
695 Pi - PFTL698060
7.0 Cross Trainer - PFTL790070
7.0 Cross Trainer - PFTL790072
7.5 Distance Trainer - PFTL780070
700 ZLT - PETL809100
700 ZLT - PETL809101
705 Trainer - PFTL700090
705 ZLT - PETL798100
705 ZLT - PETL798101
780 Crosswalk - PFTL790080
780 CS - PFTL979080
780 ZLT - PETL817080
780 ZLT - PETL817082
790 ZLT - PETL917090
790 ZLT - PETL917091
790 ZLT - PETL917092
8.5 Personal Fit-Trainer - PFTL788071
8.5 Personal Fit-Trainer - PFTL788072
8.5 Personal Fit-Trainer - PFTL788073
8.5 ZT - PFTL545090
810 TR - PFTL798070
860 Competitor - PFTL997070
9.0 Competitor - PFTL990070
9.0 ZT - PFTL609090
900 ZLT - PETL108100
900 ZLT - PETL108101
905 ZLT - PETL118100
905 ZLT - PETL118101
980 CS - PFTL999080
980 CS - PFTL999081
980 CS - PFTL999082
995 ZLT - PETL717072
C525 - PFTL494061
Competitor - PFTL791080
Crosswalk 3.0 XT - PFTL668060
Crosswalk 357E - 831.246230
Crosswalk 357E - 831.246231
Crosswalk 365e - 831.295330
Crosswalk 365e - DTL34951
Crosswalk 400e - 831.296330
Crosswalk 400e - 831.296331
Crosswalk 425 - PFTL397070
Crosswalk 425X - PMTL327060
Crosswalk 500 - PFTL560070
Crosswalk Caliber Elite - PFTL715050
Crosswalk Caliber Elite - PFTL715051
Crosswalk Caliber Elite - PFTL715052
Crosswalk Caliber Elite - PFTL715053
i Series 980 Competitor - PFTL995070
i Series 980 Competitor - PFTL995071
PF 3.8 - PATL407070
PF 3.8 - PATL407071
PF 3.8 - PETL407070
PF 3.8 - PETL407071
PF 3.8 - PETL407072
PF 3.8 - PETL407073
PF 3.9 Xm - PETL408070
PF 5.2 - PETL413070
Prespective 1.5 - PFTL877060
Prespective 1.5 - PFTL877061
Sport 1100 - 831.307760
Sport 1100 - PFTL495070
Sport 1100 - PFTL495071
Sport 1200 - PFTL595060
Style 6500 - PETL607070
Style 7500 - PETL707070
Style 8000 - PETL717070
Style 9000 - PETL127070
X 800 - PETL378050
X 820 - PETL377050
XP 615 Trainer - 831.247450
XP 615 Trainer - 831.247451
XP 615 TRAINER - 831.247452
XP 615 Trainer - 831.247453
XP 615 Trainer - 831.247456
XP 690T - 831.249660
XP 690T - 831.249661
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.248650
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.248651
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.248652
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.248653
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.248654
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.248655
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248550
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248551
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248552
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248553
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248554
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248555
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248556
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248557
XP Trainer 580 - 831.248558
XP Trainer 580 - PCTL045090
XP Weight Loss 620 - 831.247550
XP Weight Loss 620 - 831.247551
ZT3 - PFTL391100
ZT3 - PFTL391101
ZT5 - PFTL605090
ZT5 - PFTL605091
ZT5 - PFTL605092

Reebok (Icon)

8100 ES - RBTL796070
8100 ES - RBTL796071
8600 ES - RBTL095060
8700 ES - RBTL095070
8700 ES - RBTL095072
Competitor RT 5.1 - RBTL592110
Competitor RT 5.1 - RCTL592110
Crosswalk RT 5.0 - RBTL610100
Crosswalk RT 5.0 - RCTL610100
Crosswalk V 7.90 - RBTL078090
Crosswalk V 7.90 - RBTL078091
Crosswalk V 7.90 - RCTL078090
R 6.90 - RCTL677080
R 7.90 - RBTL698100

R 7.90 - RBTL698101
R 7.90 - RBTL698102
R 7.90 - RBTL698103
T 6.80 - RBTL647081
V 6.80 - RBTL677080
V 6.90 - RBTL677081
V 8.90 - RBTL760090
V 8.90 - RBTL760091
V 8.90 - RCTL760100
V4000 - RBTL17919
Vista 8500 - RBTL099060
Vista 8500 - RBTL099061
Vista 9700 - RCTL097070

True Fitness



Crossbar Legend - WESY5993S0
Weslo Cadence 26.0 - WETL597100

Weslo Cadence 26.0 - WETL597101


Cadence 45 - WETL05140
Cadence 45 - WLTL399070
Cadence 50SE - WLTL398060
Cadence 60 SE - WLTL498060
Cadence 65 - WLTL499070

Cadence C8 - WETL268060
Cadence C80 - WATL268060
Cadence F 9.0 - WLTL046100
Cadence J3.7 - WCTL396070
Cadence S8 - WETL269060

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.15 off List Price of $1.52.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


The product arrived quickly, was the correct part, and was relatively easy to replace. Unfortunately, I don't use Google for anything, otherwise I would be fine with leaving a review.

Thank you

Roger B

I am your customer and found that your service worked very well. I was able to get the correct part on a very old ( but working very well ) Parabody gym ( 425101). Despite having a small problem of the wrong part being sent the first time. Fitness Repair worked with me and we received the correct part that had broken. We realized the the part ordered in error would be the next part that would be breaking so we kept the
part that was first sent. Thanks for your patience and help. A wonderful organization.

Philadelphia, PA

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