



Knob - Product Image

List Price: $9.75 / each

Online Price: $9.46 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 6040975

Latch knob

Used on the following models:


View 550 - ECTL09706.0
View 550 - EPTL09706.1

View 550 - EPTL09708.0


t5.1 Treadmill - SFTL81507.0
t5.2 Treadmill - SFTL14808.0
t5.5 Treadmill - SFTL82207.0

t5.5 Treadmill - SFTL82207.1
t5.6 Treadmill - SFTL19808.0
Upright TV - FMEX3506P-IS.1


H130T - HETL13914.0
H130t - HMTL79608.0
H90t - HMTL07508.0
H90t - HRTL07508.0
HR CLUB SERIES H120t - HRTL08508.0

Outlook - HRTL89406.0
Outlook - HRTL89406.1
Outlook - HRTL89406.2
Pro H750i - HRTL91706.0


10.4QD - IMTL1499.0

995 SEL - IMTL9960.3


1500 - 831.29625.3

2100 - 831.28724.1


1500 - NCTL09707.0
1500 - NCTL09707.1
1500 - NTL09707.1
1500 - NTL09707.2
1500 - NTL09707.3
1500 - NTL09707.4
1500 - NTL09707.5
1500 - NTL09707.6
1500 - NTL09707.7
1500 - NTL09707.8
1600 - NTL14506.0
A2105 - 831.24766.0
A2105 - 831.24766.1
A2105 - 831.24766.2
A2105 - 831.24766.3
A2105 - 831.30827.2
A2105 - 831.30827.4
A2105 - NTL06907.0
A2105 - NTL06907.1
A2105 - NTL06907.2
A2105 - NTL06907.3
A2350 - 831.24777.0
A2350 - 831.24777.1
A2350 - 831.24777.2
A2350 - 831.24777.3
A2350 - 831.24777.5
A2350 - 831.24777.6
A2350 - 831.30866.0
A2350 - 831.30866.2
A2350 - NTL07007.1
A2350 - NTL07007.2
A2350 - NTL07007.3
A2350 - NTL07007.5
A2350 - NTL07007.6
A2550 - 831.24769.0
A2550 - 831.24769.1
A2550 - 831.24769.2
A2550 - 831.24769.3
A2550 - NTL09107.0
A2550 - NTL09107.2
A2550 - NTL09107.3
C2000 - 831.29427.0
C2000 - NETL12807.0
C2000 - NETL12807.1
C2155 - 831.24767.0
C2155 - 831.24767.1
C2155 - 831.24767.2
C2155 - 831.24767.4
C2155 - 831.24767.5
C2155 - 831.30811.0
C2155 - NTL07707.0
C2155 - NTL07707.1
C2155 - NTL07707.2
C2155 - NTL07707.4
C2400 - 831.24669.0
C2400 - 831.24669.1
C2400 - 831.30703.1
C2400 - NTL09806.0
C2400 - NTL09806.1
C2500 - 831.24779.0
C2500 - 831.24779.1
C2500 - 831.30812.0
C2500 - NETL14807.0
C2500 - NETL14807.1
C2500 - NTL09007.0

C2500 - NTL09007.1
C2500 - NTL09907.0
C3000 - NETL16807.0
C4000 - NETL19807.0
C4000 - NETL19807.1
CT - NETL14708.0
Elite 4200 - NTL19806.0
Elite 4200 - NTL19806.1
Elite 4200 - NTL19806.2
Elite 4200 - NTL19806.3
Elite 4200 - NTL19806.4
Elite 4200 - NTL19806.5
Elite 7000 - NTL15007.0
Elite 7000 - NTL15007.1
Elite 7000 - NTL15007.3
Elite 7000 - NTL15007.4
Elite 7000 - NTL15007.5
Elite 7500 - NTL19007.0
Elite 7500 - NTL19007.1
Elite 7500 - NTL19007.2
Elite 7500 - NTL19007.3
Elite 7500 - NTL19007.4
Elite 7500 - NTL19007.5
Elite 7500 - NTL19007.6
Elite xt - 831.24814.0
Elite XT - 831.30867.0
Elite XT - NTL14908.0
Elite zi - 831.24811.0
Elite zi - 831.30857.0
Elite zi - NTL11808.0
GRT 470 - 831.15974.4
T14vt - NTL17009.0
T7si - 831.24867.0
T7si - 831.24867.1
T7si - 831.24867.2
T7si - 831.24867.3
T7si - NTL07908.0
T7si - NTL07908.1
T7si - NTL07908.2
T7si - NTL07908.3
T7ze - 831.30188.0
T9ci - 831.24879.0
T9ci - 831.24879.1
T9ci - NTL09908.0
T9ci - NTL09908.1
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.24611.0
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.24611.1
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.24611.2
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.30704.0
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.30704.4
Viewpoint 3000 - 831.30704.5
Viewpoint 3000 - NTL11806.0
Viewpoint 3000 - NTL11806.1
Viewpoint 3000 - NTL11806.2
Viewpoint 3200 - 831.29618.0
Viewpoint 3200 - NTL01308.0
Viewpoint 3200 - NTL01308.1
Viewpoint 3500 - NTL13007.0
Viewpoint 3500 - NTL13007.1
Viewpoint 3600 - NTL01408.0
Viewpoint 3600 - NTL01408.1
Z7xi - NTL07709.0
ZS - NCTL09109.0
ZS - NTL09108.0
ZS - NTL09108.1
ZS - NTL09108.2


11.5 Competitor - PFTL12007.0
117 - PFTL1175.5
1280 Premier ES - PFTL99108.0
3.6 - PATL40507.0
4.0 - PATL40907.0
4.5 Trainer - PFTL58007.0
4.5 Trainer - PFTL58007.1
4500 - PETL70707.1
480 E - PFTL49508.0
480 E - PFTL49508.1
480PI - 831.29160.2
480PI - 831.29160.6
5.2 - PATL41307.0
5.5 Cross Trainer - PFTL57007.0
5.5 Cross Trainer - PFTL57007.1
570 Crosswalk - PFTL59008.0
580 CS - PFTL57908.0
580 CS - PFTL57908.2
580 LT - PFTL49908.0
580 LT - PFTL49908.2
585 CS - PFTL59908.0
6.0 TXP - 831.29722.1
610 TR - PFTL59707.0
610 TR - PFTL59707.2
620 V - PETL61606.0
620 V - PETL61606.1
645 - PFTL59106.0
665 E - PFTL56507.0
665 E - PFTL56507.1
675 E - PFTL59508.0
675 E - PFTL59508.1
675 E - PFTL59508.2
675 E - PFTL59508.3
680 LT - PFTL96008.0
680 LT - PFTL96008.1
680 LT - PFTL96008.2
680 Trainer - PFTL09008.0
680 Trainer - PFTL09008.1
7.0 Cross Trainer - PFTL79007.0
7.0 Cross Trainer - PFTL79007.1
7.0 Cross Trainer - PFTL79007.2
7.0 Personal Fitness Trainer - 831.30864.0
7.5 Distance Trainer - PFTL78007.0
755 Cross Trainer - PFTL79506.0
755 Cross Trainer - PFTL79506.1
755 Cross Trainer - PFTL79506.3
760 Cross Trainer - PFTL79707.0
775 CT - PFTL72707.0
775 CT - PFTL72707.2
780 Crosswalk - PFTL79008.0
780 CS - PFTL97908.0
780 ZLT - PETL81708.0
785 CS - PFTL98908.0
785 XT - PETL2086.4
810 TR - PFTL79807.0
9.0 Competitor - PFTL99007.0
980 Audio Trainer - PFTL12008.0
980 CS - PFTL99908.0
980 CS - PFTL99908.1

980 CS - PFTL99908.2
985 Audio Trainer - PFTL16008.0
985 Audio Trainer - PFTL16008.1
995 ZLT - PETL71707.2
Competitor - PFTL79108.0
Crosswalk 480 - 831.24824.1
Crosswalk 480 - 831.24824.2
Crosswalk 480 - 831.24824.3
Crosswalk 480 - 831.24824.4
Crosswalk 480 - 831.30858.1
Crosswalk 590 LT - PFTL99909.0
Crosswalk CSI - PCTL2146.2
i Series 765 Cross Trainer - PFTL79507.0
i Series 765 Cross Trainer - PFTL79507.1
i Series 785 E - PFTL78508.0
i Series 785 E - PFTL78508.1
i Series 785 E - PFTL78508.2
i Series 980 Competitor - PFTL99507.0
i Series 980 Competitor - PFTL99507.1
iLog 750 - PFTL97007.0
PF 3.6 - PETL40507.0
PF 3.8 - PATL40707.0
PF 3.8 - PATL40707.1
PF 3.8 - PETL40707.0
PF 3.8 - PETL40707.1
PF 4.0 - PETL40907.0
PF 5.2 - PETL41307.0
Prespective 1.5 - PFTL87706.0
Prespective 1.5 - PFTL87706.1
Prespective ES - PFTL99806.0
Prespective ES - PFTL99806.1
Prespective ES - PFTL99806.2
Prespective ES - PFTL99806.3
Prespective ES - PFTL99806.4
Quick Start 7.0 - PETL60708.0
Quick Start 9.0 - PETL80708.0
Style 7500 - PETL70707.0
Style 8000 - PETL71707.0
XP 615 Trainer - 831.24745.0
XP 615 Trainer - 831.24745.1
XP 615 TRAINER - 831.24745.2
XP 615 Trainer - 831.24745.3
XP 615 Trainer - 831.24745.6
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.24865.0
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.24865.1
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.24865.2
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.24865.3
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.24865.4
XP Crosswalk 580 - 831.24865.5
XP Trainer 580 - 831.24855.0
XP Trainer 580 - 831.24855.1
XP Trainer 580 - 831.24855.2
XP Trainer 580 - 831.24855.3
XP Trainer 580 - 831.24855.4
XP Trainer 580 - 831.24855.5
XP Trainer 580 - 831.24855.6
XP Weight Loss 620 - 831.24755.0
XP Weight Loss 620 - 831.24755.1

Reebok (Icon)

1000 X - RBEL59907.0
1000 X - RBEL59907.2
8050 ES - RBTL07107.0
8050 ES - RBTL07107.1
8050 ES - RBTL07107.2
8100 ES - RBTL79607.0
8600 ES - RBTL09506.0
8700 ES - RBTL09507.0
9500 ES - RBTL14506.0
9500 ES - RBTL14506.1
9500 ES - RBTL14506.2

9500 ES - RBTL14506.3
9500 ES - RBTL14506.4
R 5.80 - RBTL07108.0
S 9.80 - RBTL69608.0
T 12.80 - RBTL15908.0
T 6.80 - RBTL64708.1
T 9.80 - RBTL21908.0
V 6.80 - RBTL67708.0
V4000 - RBTL1791.9
Vista 9700 - RCTL09707.0


Black 160 XTB - WBTL14608.0
Crossbar Legend - WESY5993S.0

Magness Compact XL - WETL40808.0


Compact XL - WETL40708.0

Pursuit 695i - WCEX6907.0

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.97 off List Price of $9.75.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


I am your customer and found that your service worked very well. I was able to get the correct part on a very old ( but working very well ) Parabody gym ( 425101). Despite having a small problem of the wrong part being sent the first time. Fitness Repair worked with me and we received the correct part that had broken. We realized the the part ordered in error would be the next part that would be breaking so we kept the
part that was first sent. Thanks for your patience and help. A wonderful organization.

Philadelphia, PA

You guys rock! Looking forward to using my elliptical again! Been without it for almost a week now
and I feel my body turning into jelly more and more each day, lol.Have a great day!

Jim H
Waco, TX

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