


Lat bar

Lat bar - Product Image

List Price: $108.56 / each

Online Price: $105.30 / each


In Stock - Limited. (Explain)

Catalog Number: 6002316

Lat pull down bar.

Used on the following models:


Epic Power Rack - F4000


630 - PFBE6308.0
630 - PFEIBE6308.0

630 - PFGGBE6308.0
640 - PFBE6408.0


150 - WEBE0593.0
150 - WEBE1506.0
150 - WEBE1506.1
15CT - WESY1701.0
15CT - WESY1701.1
20CT - WESY8531.0
20CT - WESY8531.1
8507 - WEEMSY8701.0
8507 - WESY8507.0
8507 - WESY8708.0
8510 - WEEVSY8711.0
8510 - WESY8510.0
8510 - WESY8510.1
8510 - WESY8510.3
8510 - WESY8510.4
8510 - WESY8510C.4
8510 - WESY8710.0
8515 - WEEVSY8721.0
8515 - WESY8515.0
8515 - WESY8515.1
8515 - WESY8715.0
8520 - WESY8520.0
8520 - WESY8520.1
8520 - WESY8527.1
8525 - WESY1951.0
8530 - WESY8530.0
8530 - WESY8530.1

8530 - WESY8530C.1
8530 - WESY8530C.2
8530 - WESY8536.0
8530 - WESY8730.0
8620 - WESY8529.0
8630 - WEEVSY5200.0
8630 - WESY8630.0
8630 - WESY8630.1
8630 - WESY8630.2
8630 - WESY8630.3
8630 - WESY8630C.1
8630 - WESY8630C.3
8630 - WESY8630C.4
8920 - 831.15971.0
8920 - 831.15971.1
8920 - WESY1601.0
Club 16.4ST - WESY3920.0
E2000 - WESY9219.0
Gym 4000 - WLEMSY8200.0
Pro 9300 - WESY2910.0
Pro 9300 - WESY2910.1
Pro 9400 - WEEVSY3953.0
Pro 9400 - WESY3910.0
Pro 9730 - WESY9730.0
Sparring - WEEVSY2953.0
Sparring System - WESY2951.0
XR20 - WESY0119.0


Body Flex - WLSI7150.0
GYM 1000 - WLEVSY9811.0

GYM 2000 - WLEMSY8000.0

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $10.86 off List Price of $108.56.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


Fitness Repair Parts Support Team,

The “Sleeve, Seat” parts for my Hoist 310 exercise equipment arrived today.

They work perfectly! I’m back in business!

Thank you so much! You are an indispensable resource!

I have two Hoist 310 units, each about 30 years old, and I use them religiously.

I have ordered Hoist 310 parts from you previously and they always were perfect replacements.

I will be going through your list of equipment to find out what spares I need to order.

Thanks again!


Susan, Thanks so much for contacting me. I've only bought one item from you in the past. It was good and I was happy, but today you showed me customer service beyond what I expected. I look forward to doing much more business with Fitness Repair Parts in the near future. Have a great day.

Chris N.
Houston, TX

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