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Pulley, Small

Pulley, Small - Product Image

List Price: $26.75 / each

Online Price: $25.95 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 52004310

3.5" cable pulley.

Used on the following models:


3 - Stack Multi - Gym - 04
8 Stack - G2-MS80P - Polarized Titanium
Abdominal - VS-S53 - (GM68)
Abdominal Crunch - PGM48-KM
Arm Curl - PGM46-KM
Aura - G3-MS20P - Polarized Titanium
Aura - G3-MS40P - Polarized Titanium
Aura - G3-MS40P - Polarized Titanium
Aura - G3-MS50P - Polarized Titanium
Aura - G3-MS50P - Polarized Titanium
Aura - G3-MS80P - Polarized Titanium
Aura - G3-MS80P - Polarized Titanium
Aura - G3-MSFT3P - Polarized Titanium
Aura - G3-MSFT4P - Polarized Titanium - (G3MS11D)
Aura - G3-PL62P - Iced Silver
Aura - G3-PL62P - Polarized Titanium
Back Extension - G7-S52 PY - Silver
Cable Crossover - G2-MS20P - (G2-MS20P)
Cable Crossover - G3-MS20P - Polarized Titanium
Calf Extension - G7-S77 PY - Silver
Converging Chest Press - G7-S13 PY - Silver
Converging Chest Press - PGM41-KM
Converging Shoulder Press Single Station - G7-S23 PY - Silver
Diverging Lat Pull - G3-S33P - Polarized Titanium
Diverging Lat Pulldown - G7-S33 PY - Silver
Diverging Lat Pulldown - PGM42-KM
Diverging Seated Row - G3-S34P - Polarized Titanium
Diverging Seated Row - G3-S34P - Polarized Titanium
Diverging Seated Row - PGM43-KM
Free Weight - G1-MG30LS
G2 - G2-MS40P - Polarized Titanium
G2 - G2-MS50 - Polarized Titanium
G2 - G2FW62P
G2 8 Stack Multi-Station MX-MS80
G3 8 Stack Multi-Stack Gym PMS80-G#
G3 Smith Machine PL62KM
Glute - G7-S78 PY - Iced Silver

Glute - G7-S78 PY - Silver
Hip Abductor - G2-S75P
Hip Abductor - G3-S75P - Polarized Titanium
Hip Abductor - G7-S75 PY - Iced Silver
Hip Abductor - G7-S75 PY - Silver
Hip Adductor - G2-S74P
Hip Adductor - G7-S74 PY - Iced Silver
Hip Adductor - G7-S74 PY - Silver
Hip Adductor - MX-S74P
Hip Adductor - PGM50-KM
Leg Extension - G7-S71 PY - Silver
Leg Extension - G7-S71 PY - Silver
Leg Extension - PGM44-KM
Leg Press - G7-S70 PY - Silver
Leg Press - PGM49-KM
MX - MX-MS50 - Champagne
Pectoral Fly - G7-S12 PY - Iced Silver
Pectoral Fly - G7-S12 PY - Silver
Prone Leg Curl - G7-S73 PY - Silver
Prone Leg Curl - PGM54-KM
Rotary Hip - G2-S76P - Polarized Titanium - (GM22)
Rotary Hip - G3-S76P - Polarized Titanium
Rotary Hip - MX-S76 - Champagne
Seated Leg Curl - G7-S72 PY - Iced Silver
Seated Leg Curl - G7-S72 PY - Silver
Seated Leg Curl - PGM45-KM
Triceps Press - G7-S42 PY - Silver
Ultra - G7-S21 PY - Iced Silver
Ultra - G7-S21 PY - Silver
Ultra - G7-S34 PY - Iced Silver
Ultra - G7-S34 PY - Silver
Ultra - G7-S40 PY - Iced Silver
Ultra - G7-S40 PY - Silver
Ultra - G7-S51 PY - Silver
Ultra - G7-S55 PY - Iced Silver
Ultra - G7-S55 PY - Silver
Varsity - G1-GM167 - Silver

Vision Fitness

Leg Press Unit - ST250 - Grey - (GM78)
ST200 - Grey - (GM77)
ST200 - Grey - (GM89)

ST700 - Grey - (GM84)
ST710 - Grey - (MS100)

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $2.67 off List Price of $26.75.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


We were very happy with the price for the pedal replacements. The packaging was very secure and they arrived in good condition. Your service was excellent as were the notifications you sent to keep us informed as to our order status. If our dog decides to chew off the straps again, you will be sure that we will be using your company again!

I was really impressed by your site for the following reasons (and I just placed the order) 1. Simple search process 2. Secure checkout (I was reassured that you were not some fly by night company) 3. The very helpful list of contacts where I could go if I wish to have a professional install the piece I ordered. Number three really stood out for me because the usual answer around here is "sorry can't help you - we only do in-house repair for items we sell." My first reaction is that I would rather shop for new equipment at places that offer services to assist with repairs in the first place rather than at all the fancy shops that won't help with older equipment. Thank-you for offering me the option to either do it myself or get someone else's help.

Gary L
Orlando, FL

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