


Washer, Locking

Washer, Locking - Product Image

List Price: $1.15 / each

Online Price: $1.12 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 24004985

Lock washer.

Used on the following models:

Nautilus Commercial (Core Fitness)

0-90 Bench - F20-90
2ST 10 Degree Chest
2ST Four Way Neck
2ST High-Low Pulley
2ST Lat Pulldown
2ST Lateral Raise
2ST Preacher Curl
2ST Pullover
2ST Range Limiter
2ST Rotary Torso
Bicep Curl
Cable Crossover
Cable Crossover - Cable Crossover
cable crossover - F2CC
Cable Crossover China
Compound Row
Compound Row
F2 Free Weight 0-90 Bench
F2AT/F2CC Conversion
Free Weight 0 - 90 Bench - F1 FWO-90
Free Weight High Low Pulley
Hi-Low adjustable tower - F2AT
Hi-Low adjustable tower - F2AT-Left
High Low Pulley
Hip Abduction
Hip Abduction/Adduction - S4AA
Hip Adduction
Incline Leg Press
Incline Leg Press
Incline Press

Incline Press - P3IP
Lat Pulldown
Lat Pulldown
Lat Pulldown
Leg Press
Leg Press - S4LP
Leg press - S6LP
Lower Back
Nitro Biceps Curl (1999-2002 designs)
Nitro Hip Abduction/Adduction (1999-2002 designs)
Nitro Overhead Press (1999-2002 designs)
Nitro Pec Fly - S5PF
Nitro Vertical Chest (1999-2002 designs)
Nitro XPLoad Bicep Curl
Nitro XPLoad Dead Lift Shrug
Nitro XPLoad Vertical Chest
P3 Xpload Dead Lift Shrug
P3 Xpload Vertical Chest Press
Pec Fly
Pec Fly - S3PF
Prone Leg Curl
Seated Calf
Seated Dip
Seated Dip
Seated Leg Curl
Tricep Extension
Tricep Extension
Tricep Extension
Triceps Extension
Vertical Chest
Weight Assisted Chin-Up/Dip

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.11 off List Price of $1.15.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


Hello, I wanted to confirm I received my order. Everything was correct and works as it should and I am completely satisfied. I was able to make a change to my order and it was amended promptly and correctly. I put the parts on my machine last night and everything works perfectly! I am so pleased with the service I received from Fitness Repair Parts, I would absolutely recommend to friends.

Thank you,
Carol S
Anderson, SC

To Fitness Repair Parts Customer Service,

‎Thank you for following up on my inquiry. Our treadmill is over a decade old and "owes us nothing"
but being able to repair it will save $$$$ for a new one. Great

‎I have placed an order with expedited delivery.

‎Best regards,
Fred S
Lincolnton, NC

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