


Washer, Flat

Washer, Flat - Product Image

List Price: $1.15 / each

Online Price: $1.12 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 24000371

Flat washer.

Used on the following models:


PR3000 - (100142)

Nautilus Commercial (Core Fitness)

Glute/Ham - P3GH
0-90 Bench - F20-90
2ST 10 Degree Chest
2ST Bench Press
2ST Four Way Neck
2ST Incline Press
2ST Lateral Raise
2ST Preacher Curl
2ST Pullover
2ST Range Limiter
2ST Rotary Torso
Abdominal - S3AB
Adjustable Hip Extension
Bicep Curl - S3BC
Compound Row
Compound Row
Dual Stack Freedom Trainer - F3FTD
EVO - S9PO Pullover
F2 Free Weight 0-90 Bench
F2 Free Weight Olympic Military Bench
F2 Free Weight Olympic Supine Bench
F2 Free Weight Power Rack
F2 Free Weight Smith Machine
F2 Free Weight Squat Rack
F2 Olympic Military Bench
F2WT Freeweight Weight Tree - 19-5210
Free Weight 0 - 90 Bench - F1 FWO-90

Gravitron - S9GRV
Hip Abduction
Hip Adduction
Hip Extension
Inspiration Abductor/Adductor - IPAA2B
Leg Extension
Leg extension - S6LE
Leg press - S6LP
Leg Press - S9LP
Low Back
Low Row
Lower Back
Med-Fit Systems - S9LC
Olympic Decline Bench - F2ODB
Olympic Decline Bench - F2ODB
Olympic Decline Bench - F2ODB
Olympic Incline Bench
Olympic Squat Rack
Overhead Press - S9OP
Pec Fly
Prone Leg Curl
Range Limiter
Seated Calf
Seated Leg Curl
Single Stack Freedom Trainer - F3FT
Tricep Extension
Tricep Press
Vertical Chest
Vertical Trainer - K2

Nautilus Residential

Challenger Treadmill - 5.0
F2 Low Row - F2 Low Row

F2 Low Row Heavy Stack - F2 Low Row Heavy Stack
F2 Power Back - F2 Power Back

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.11 off List Price of $1.15.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


Today I received the Seat Bracket for my Bowflex and I wanted to thank you again for all your help. The quality of the product is more than what I could have hoped for and I was highly impressed with your outstanding customer service! Something that is rarely found if at all now a days. Kudos' to you!
I highly recommend you will always be my first choice when searching for and ordering parts.

Thanks again for everything!

Harold M.

Dear Fitness Repair Parts,

I just want to say I received my order and just installed the replacement cable to my Pacific Fitness 'Zuma' machine. In the past couple of years two different cables broke and both times you guys came through with better than original parts to replace!!! Thanks to you guys I'm back to lifting and no stress about having to replace and buy a whole new unit. Many thanks!!!!

---James L.
Windsor, CT

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